三牛科学社团趣味实验快照 | 内附学生原创插画The experiment was designed for students to watch spinach leaf disks rise and fall in a baking soda solution in response to photosynthesis. The leaf disks intake carbon dioxide from a baking soda solution and sink to the bottom of a cup of water. When exposed to different light intensities, the disks use carbon dioxide and water to produce oxygen and glucose according to the equation below. 排版 | G11 Nancy 插画(原创)&主编 | G8 Grace 文字翻译 | G11 Gary 三牛新闻社的核心工作是撰写公众号文章,且文章的重心是我校学生的校园生活和一些有趣的节日、比赛、活动,新闻社的每一位成员都致力于传播多彩的校园文化。如果想了解我们更多,您可以进入三牛中美中学官方微信公众号,点击菜单栏【走进三牛-SAN NEWS】,就可以找到我们啦! SAN NEWS is brought to you by the Journalism Club at San New High School in Wuhan, China! You can find us by going to the official San New School WeChat account and by clicking [家校互动-SAN NEWS] at the bottom right. |