课外实践 | 三牛学子参观日新科技,探索太阳能发电魔力为了让同学们更好地了解电力学知识,12月10日,武汉三牛中美中学全体学生在老师们的带领下前往日新科技光伏工业园参观学习。 在该公司技术人员的带领下,同学们参观了各种不同类型的太阳能电池板,并通过现场提问,详细了解了太阳能电池板的技术及应用。 这是一次将理论教学和实践教学紧密结合的生动实例。据了解,此次活动由武汉三牛中美中学物理课外教Fahad Raza联络对接。 因为同学们最近正在学习电力和电路,于是我想到了太阳能电池板,希望借助实地考察活动,让学生了解太阳能电池板的制造过程,不同类型,以及它在全球各种项目中的用途。当代人需要接触绿色能源,了解绿色能源的生产方式和未来的使用场景。Since we were studying about electricity and electric circuits, I thought of Solar Panels and how they are integrated into circuits to supply green energy to homes, airports, industries etc. The idea was to let students learn about the manufacturing process of Solar Panels. Moreover, they could also learn about the different types of solar panels and their uses in a variety of projects around the globe. The spansent generation needs to be exposed to green energy and how it is produced and can be utilized in the future. 三牛师生和企业工程师现场交流,就太阳能电池板技术及应用展开提问及讨论 听Fahad老师普及太阳能电池板工作原理 |